Saturday, April 24, 2010

Is bacteria classified by shape, oxygen requirement, reaction to stains and no present in a colony?

not sure what you're asking here, but yes to all of the above.

-shape can be round (cocci) or stick (bacillus)

-arrangement is also a factor, as they can be grouped as spheres, pairs or chains

-oxygen req. can be aerobic or anaerobic or a mixture/both depending on the surrounding environment

-the bacteria can be gram positive or gram negative (there are many other staining techniques as well)

-"no present in a colony" ??? do you mean whether they form a colony or stay apart as individuals??

Is bacteria classified by shape, oxygen requirement, reaction to stains and no present in a colony?
Pretty sure thats all of them. I think group may have something to do with it too -- like if they're arranged in a cube, or a pyramid, etc.
Reply:Bacteria is plural for bacterium (latin)

So, you must say "Are bacteria classified by shape, ox. requirement etc...."

Sorry, I could not stop myself.....
Reply:Yes!! If you think in terms of a journey, the purpose of which is to

put the correct name to the bacteria then what you've said would

certainly put you on the right road but in most cases you would need to build on the info and go a bit further to actually establish the true

identity of the unknown bacteria. Starting with gram staining reaction, a positive purple would send you hunting North whereas a

negative red would send you hunting South. Under the microscope,

cocci would veer you off towards the West and rods towards the

East. So find gram pos cocci, look NW and zero-in for ID!!


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