Saturday, April 24, 2010

Which bacteria is more dangerous? coccus, bacillus or spirillum?

which one is the most dangerous, and which one is the least dangerous out of these three bacterias: coccus, bacillus, spirillum

Which bacteria is more dangerous? coccus, bacillus or spirillum?
what you have described is a shape for a group of bacteria instead of species capable of causing a disease, but lets see a few of each:

coccus- Streptococcus pyogenes caused rheumatic fever and most strep throat infections

Staphlococcus aureus- normally a harmless occupant of a persons skin is a major cause of infections in burn units sand other hospital based infections

Neiseria gonnorea- causes gonnorea


Bacillus anthrasis- causes anthrax a potentially fatal disease

Clostridium botulium- causes botulism in incorrectly canned food

Clostridium tetani- causes tetanus or lockjaw

Clostridium perfringes- causes gas gangrene


Most spirillium are harmless...with one notable exception:

Treponemia palladin- causes syphillus

The most dangerous as measured by number of diseases would easily be bacillus. The least would be spirillium.
Reply:look in your textbook
Reply:I dont think one is more dangerous than the other.

I thought it just depended on what kind of it.

Like strepococcus or something like that.
Reply:depends on what the bacteria is

anthrax are rod shaped bacillus

stapherius epidermus causes acne (more of a nuecince than dangerous)

stapheriuscoccus casues dangerous staph infections

i dunno very many sparilled shaped spirillum off ahnd - but undoubtily some r very dangerous

also, it depends on if its optistic bacterium - some skin (soemthing epiddermus) bacertia will only attack the unlucky hosts if the host is down - these usually are in hospitals where hosts (humans) immune systems are most vulnerable

hope i helped a bit with what i know from my high school advanced biology class
Reply:Each one may be more dangerous than the others under certain circumstances.

lady slipper

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