Saturday, April 24, 2010

Can bacteria have sexual reproduction, what is the process use for this?

Bacteria do divide and reproduce by asexual binary fission, but certain bacteria use a process called budding that involves a growth enlarging to cell size and then budding off. Keep in mind that some bacteria also exchange genetic information with a part of prokaryotic anatomy called the Pili (or "sex pili") which looks like a flagella, but i think it is shorter.

Can bacteria have sexual reproduction, what is the process use for this?
No, bacteria usually reproduce through asexual reproduction, by using the process of binary fission.
Reply:A little thing called mitosis. (Or does that only work with eukaryotes... I don't remember.).
Reply:'Sexual reproduction' in bacteria means the swapping of genes between two individuals. Some bacteria do this. For example, E. Coli that contain the 'F-plasmid' can form a structure called a pilus that connects with another E. Coli that lacks the F-plasmid, and genes are transfered. This is called conjugation, it is a type of sex, but it isn't very fun.


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