Saturday, April 24, 2010

Could bacteria survive on the moon?

Bacteria can survive on the moon. This was demonstrated by the Apollo 12 mission, which brought back parts of the Surveyor 3 probe. More details can be had below.

Bacterial spores are extremely durable and are difficult to kill. The ones on Surveyor (contaminated with Earth bacteria before launch) survived for 3 years in hard vacuum and enormous temperature swings.

Could bacteria survive on the moon?
somebacterias can survive in extreme conditions. maybe someday a special bacteria will be found that can live in the space.

these bacterias will have the ability to talurate high pressures and tempretures. these kind will be non-aerobic bacterias. Report It

Reply:maybe a bacteria in the closteridium or bacillus family will have this abillity. Report It

Reply:No - there is no atmosphere.
Reply:-on- the moon, most likely not. The zero suck of the void would rip them apart. -in- the moon or a capsule on the moon... maybe, if conditions are right.
Reply:Well, thats a somewhat complicated answer. To begin with bacteria require two things water and an atomosphere. And the moon has neither. Now, when I say atomosphere I mean that there needs to be a layer of gases that surround the moon; these gases are essential in building the materials needed for bacteria to thrive, survive, and replicate. Recently, however, we have seen that comets and asteriods do contain traces of bacteria, but no living bacteria only traces of its existence.
Reply:NO.... I don't think so

but I wouldn't be suprised. life is a wonderous thing.

bacteria are known to make their own atmosphere. and if there is some water found. maybe
Reply:There are anaerobic bacteria which die as soon as they come in contact with air. Probably they may survive in moon.
Reply:From the limited perspective of gravity, etc., some bacteria would hardly be bothered. More importantly, the surface of the moon would appear unable to provide them with the nutrients that they require to survive, and the constant pounding of cosmic rays, not being stopped by a functional atmosphere, would make things very difficult. Specific bacteria are remarkably capable of living in hostile environments such as deep ocean vents, hot sulfur springs, etc. but the moon would seem to be a near impossible place for them to reside.
Reply:what do you mean bacteria?there are thousand kinds of them some of them can survive on the moon and some of them can't.

you know why? those witch can stay alive have a nonaerobic system of breathing.
Reply:as others are saying no, i think its a yes, if we can go out on the moon and get a cut and get that infected there could possiably be bacteria, there is bacteria everywhere, even though its on another planet.

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