The ickle buggers seem to do a lot of harm in this World...surely if God had made them he would have given them a mention?
Is bacteria mentioned in any of the holy scriptures?
Heb 11:34 and sars was upon the land, and there was a great wailing, and a great taking of moldy bread.
In this time there goeth a rock upon the land called crack. Do not taketh that, it will be like a plague upon you.
As well trusteth not adjustable rate mortgages.
Reply:As the bible was written by people without microscopes, no.
Reply:Not specifically. You imply rather unexpected sexual activities to such small creatures!!
Reply:no it also doesn't mention why we have to have periods EVERY MONTH! cute doggie by the way
Reply:He did.
He told the Jews not to eat shellfish ... did you think He did it because He hates lobsters? lol It was because (as we all know now) if you don't cook it live, it's no good.
He told the Jews not to eat pork ... did you think it was because He didn't want them to be called pigs? No, it was because pigs back then were not grain fed like now, they were scavengers who literally ate excrement if allowed. Pigs don't have the stomachs like a cow to process that, so it goes into their fat and meat. Hence, full of bacteria that can make you sick.
Reply:I really dont know but your puppy avatar is so cute!
Of course it isnt as cute as mine :p
actually I dont really think they are mentioned except briefly in the stupid Armagedon thats "supposed to happen"
Reply:No, Instead the bible refers to demons. Biblical medical practices mostly consist of sacrificing animals or birds. You don't see too many Christians sacrificing pidgeons any more though, even though the bible clearly tells them to.
Reply:The bible left a lot of things out. God probably figured it was already long enough...
Also, although the writers knew what to say through God, he put it in human hands so the language could be understood. That's why the old testament is filled with long and really weird sounding names and measurements, and why bats are called birds, because that's what everyone called them back then.
God doesn't bring up a lot of things; the platypus, black people (though they come up in the new testament), coconuts, Albinos. In fact, God intentionally left out the biggest detail of all, when Jesus would return. In case you haven't noticed, every generation has predicted he's about to come and his reign would begin, and they were all wrong, because Jesus left us hanging on purpose.
So if God would leave that out, is it so surprising he wouldn't bother telling the writers about little invisible animals that make you sick?
Note: Bacteria are not part of the animal kingdom as defined today, but taxonomy was very different 6 thousand years ago, they would have almost definitely been referred to as animals back then.
Reply:Yea, I'd like to see Noah collecting 2 of every bacteria, but hey, i think its obvious to EVERYONE that that story is genuinly a STORY
Reply:Not only does He take the credit for creating the Ecoli bacillus (and the Black Death as well) but he made sure Noah took two of every specvies of bacterium onto the Ark
I don't think they took up much room, but my God it must have been difficult finding them in the first place!!!
cf Noah was a bloody fool- he had the chance to rid the world of every plague bacillus, bloody housefly and sea gull, but instead made sure they were preserved in his Ark. What a tosser!
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