Friday, November 20, 2009

Which bacteria r deadly to humans?

from where do they come from

Which bacteria r deadly to humans?
botulism is about as deadly as you get.

edit. the toxin created by botulism is one of the most powerful toxins known to man. Mostly comes from food poisoning. (Wiki)

But with more resistant baceria becoming prevelent who knows. Luckily most bacteria can be taken care of with antibiotics nowadays, but that could change to where most strains of bacteria have become resistant to drugs to to overuse of antibiotics.
Reply:Any bacteria is deadly to humans it just depends on how strong your imune system is.
Reply:Bacterium are everywhere. There are so many types it is impossible to mention on here. Some are good for us and some are bad for us. If I were you I wouldn't worry about it, knowledge can be a bad thing, lol.

Antibacterial soaps kill the good stuff, and they themselves (for that reason) can make us sick.

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